Wednesday, June 17


The other day at work, i heard a bicycle bell ringing merrily away. Usually when this happens, i can expect to look up and see Nat, because he knows that i hate his bike bell (whose sound is of the piercing, insistent dingdingding! variety) and thinks that it is hilarious to ride up and hail me with it.

However, i noted a distinct brrrriinging noise that was inconsistent with Nat's bell, and when i looked up i saw that it was a short, stocky man riding a penny-farthing down Garnet Avenue. A passerby and i watched in awe as the guy tooled on down the road into the sunset. His remark? "Well! You don't see that every day."

No. You certainly don't.

And today on the bus, heading up to the UCSD philosophy department softball game (profs won, boooo!!), Nat and i witnessed a middle-aged woman with a head of silver curls wearing a floor-length purple velvet cape. it was very mysterious, indeed. But not a costume– i could tell. Reminded me a bit of my grandma, who also used to own a cape. i hope to grow up into this fashion as well. Completely fantastic!


In other news: i've finally received that book i won from Goodreads, but i can't for the life of me seem to devote any particular moment to crack it open. Feels like a bit too much pressure, since it is strongly encouraged that i read and then review it. Never been good at reviews, really. i tend to get too personal. In any case, typing these past few sentences has inspired me to pick it up. Let the criticizing begin!

1 comment:

Lori R. said...

The bike bit, have you ever witnessed how they get those things going? That I would like to see.... Velvet Cape? isn't it warm there? hmmmm.... Enjoy this beautiful day no matter what the weather is like!