Tuesday, April 21

stuff, 'n things.

What's this? A beautiful indoor rainshower? Yes, please!


Hm. Now if only i had a skylight and thousands of crystals...

Oh well, i guess i'll have to settle for this giant robotic spider, instead. Aw, shoot– where am i gonna get all those wires? And the mechanical expertise?

La Princesse giant spider robot in Yokohama --

Dang. guess i'll just have to stick with my photo-mobile instead.


While we're at it, i think that Berber Soepboer is my new favorite person. i need this dress:

...click through! it transforms! changes color! (much like everything else she designs).

and also this bathing suit (it looks like an anchor! way too good!):

(well, either this one or the harlequinesque detachable-diamond number right below it.)

...and basically i suppose i would love to have everything else on that page (except for the bedsheets- no offense.) Anyone feeling like they need to drop hundreds of thousands of ducats can feel free to fill up my closet.

Check out her artist's (or maybe just her human) statement:

I especially design clothing which can be worn in different ways, so the owner can make choices in how to wear the cloth.

Life exists of many choices based on expectations, desire and the available time.

When everything is still possible the world seems an incredible place.

I translate these endless possibilities in my design.

A start to realize the ultimate dream in daily life.

...how rad is that?! In a parallel universe (hey now, i'm not saying there are any), we'd be best friends. Our days would consist of eating popsicles, making mix tapes, and painting all manner of things with fingernail polish. We would loan each other books and sit in the park making daisy chains and watching the clouds change shape. There would be coffee (and maybe cigarettes), late-night movies, and lots of seaside and/or woodsy excursions. Yay! i would always be envious of her, but heck i'm used to that type of friendship by now.

(erm, someone remind me to stay away from dornob.com? My little mind tends to wander aimlessly. Thanking you in advance.)

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