Tuesday, October 28

An Open Letter to a Fixer-upper.

Um, yeah...

Hugo? Next time you come over (after literally 6 months of having the money/supplies) to fix the sink, do me a solid and don't use my wooden salad bowl to collect the dirty water drippings? Thanks. It's just that it's one of the only things i have left from childhood, when we were an actual family and sometimes my mom made salad. I know it's flimsy, and has a chip on the edge, but seriously. Could you not have rummaged just a little more through my cupboards and discovered, say, a set of 3 crappy glass mixing bowls that you could have had your pick from? Seems not.

Well, next time anyway.

In all seriousness, though- thanks for the new sink! i am so glad i don't have to hold down the tap when i turn it on so it doesn't just pop straight up out of the back. i never realized how easy doing the dishes could be... it's miraculous. And as for the grout all over my (only, as it turns out) dishtowel- no worries. We'll just let bygones be bygones*.

*minute 9:40 on.

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