~Sometimes i drink too much coffee ('sometimes'– hah!) and feel like there's going to be an earthquake. Could these two things really be related?
~Last night Nat and i were reading through the True Blood wikipedia page (we grudgingly [yet semi-enjoyably] watched the first season, then came to the conclusion it was not good enough to pursue, thereby deciding to check out the rest of the plot for the remaining seasons), and when it was revealed that (SPOILER ALERT:)
Sookie was part fairy, i almost jumped out of my chair. No fucking fair!! i want to come from such an amazing lineage, too! Balls. Why can't life be a fairytale? [*EDIT: who am i kidding? it basically is– i spend an inordinate amount of time daydreaming about toadstool houses and pixiedust and forest moss. Plus, i'm tiny. Nat said he would be surprised if i wasn't from such stock somewhere way back].
~As of 3:40 p.m. on September 3, 2011, i have no fucking clue what my Halloween costume is going to be. This is a new low. Suggestions, people?
~There have been 3 shark sightings here in the past week. Eek.
~The More You Know: After spending several hours scanning in a hefty portion of my old film photos and saving them as jpegs, i noticed that they (the brand-new digital files) were all looking a bit worse for wear; subsequent internetting has led me to understand that this is due to lossy compression– did you know that every time you modify and then save a jpeg it loses information(quality)? So, say you rotate that bitch because you scanned it in upside-down: boom– information lost. Cropped the edges? bam– quality down the tubes. Saved it after sharpening or lightening the image a bit? biff– you're further screwed. i was furious to find this out, but not surprised. There is just so much to know about technology, it is nearly impossible to keep track of it all. So, now i have to go back and re-scan all of those photos, then save the scanned images as TIFFs, which is a lossless form of image compression. Sigh.
~My bike was stolen about 2 months ago; recently a nice neighbor of mine gave me an old one he had laying around, which i promptly took to the shop for new tires and a tune-up so i could at least give it a test-ride. Well, i just got the call and it turns out that this bike will cost me more money than it's worth, which is unfortunate because it's actually more than bit too big for me and i was only going to ride it if the fix-up costs were minimal. Now i'm stuck in a limbo decision-state. Spend the money and try to ride it anyway? Or take it back, as is, crumbling tires and rust spots and all, and hope for a trade? Never tried to trade anything before, and now i don't have a bike– again. Double sigh.
~Complaining is so lame. Apologies.
~Made the best lemon meringue pie of my life a couple of days ago. The secret seems to be swapping some of the water for milk, and using half sugar/half powdered sugar in the meringue. Taste-tastic! Also, i added a quarter of a scraped vanilla bean to the filling. Delish. Highly recommend. Feels like it mellows the lemon out a bit.
That's all for now, folks. Here's a song i literally cannot stop singing every time i'm alone in the house (thank goodness i'm too scared to sing in public). Here's where to buy the digital song (or album), but honestly you should just go to your local music store and get it there!
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