Sunday, April 18

Today there was a time warp.

Or something.

i heard a sound, an alien sound, coming from the other room. A slithering, whoomping, fwomping, murflenurfing kind of sound. It sounded exactly like a wormhole had opened up in my living room. Granted, i am hung over to the nth degree, and keep seeing little gnomes scurrying about in my peripheral vision, but this sound was just not quite right.

After a minute or so of wide-eyed paralysis, during which time i carefully monitored my skyrocketing heart rate and tried furiously to comprehend what in blazes the sound could have been, i relaxed. Finally realized that it was just a poster, that's all, yeah: a poster that probably came undone at the top and flopped over on itself to slide down the wall. There was even a prime contender by the front door, the old oversized calendar page that always loses a thumbtack after about fifty openings-and-closings of said door. (it's the wind suction, doncha know.)

So, i gathered myself up gingerly (did i mention i drank too much last night?) and pussy-footed it to the doorway... the living room looked clean. No wormholes, no gnomes. Relief. But when i looked around at all of the posters (we have many), not a single one had fallen. Nope, not a one. This sent me back into Panic Mode and i quickly made the rounds around the room, looking for a stack of papers that had lost a page, or a pile of books that had lost a gravity fight, but there was nothing. No evidence of sound. Even the higgledy-piggledy recycling pile looked exactly the same (i have a photographic memory, but we'll talk about that another time). i found this even more unsettling than the prospect of a wormhole opening up in my living room.

What had happened in there? Had anything? 'When a tree falls in the woods...', etc., only reversed? My otic organs had clearly registered some pretty specific sound waves, but it seemed that the incident itself had never even happened*.

i backed up carefully into the relative safety of the bedroom, where at least the gnomes have the decency to show themselves.

Been feeling a bit better since spending an hour or so winding my way through the annals of Flickr. Always nice to have your happy place. Also, Now Hear This:

*Although, what if a wormhole makes noise when it opens up, but can close again without making a peep? It could happen, no? If i can't find the aural offender, i may have to fall back on this theory.

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