Wednesday, August 19


...i went to Disneyland.

It was fun.

Very fun.

i purchased two Ewoks there. They are my my new good buddies.

Been a long time since i checked in over here. Trying to get a job, trying to quit smoking, trying to get up the nerve to use my dad's awesome (heavy!) camera that he gave to me FOR CHRISTMAS. You know, months ago? Trying to keep my penny collection from overflowing the cup i was holding them in; failing. Reading lots of good books. Renting lots of movies. Trying to make the most out of this summer because i know that Nat will be scarce when it is over.
Cleaned the heck out of the apartment today: tossed and mauled half a lemon down the garbage disposal, bleached the kitchen garbage can, vacuumed, bagged up the recycling, and so on and so forth. Brought home a single, lovely red rose in a moment of pure cheesiness. Not sure where i am in my thought patterns these days. "Scatterbrained", i think they call it...

Hoping to post some book covers soon (i know you've all been waiting feverishly!)... and, strangely, compose a list of things to do before i, you know, die. In fact, i can't believe i haven't done it already. But it's time. They are stacking up, by gum. Time to take stock and catch 'em before they all slip away.

And how are all of you? Good? fine. carry on then.

1 comment:

Lori R. said...

okay, so glad you are back. Thought you got rid of me didn't you?
Disneyland, what a blast! Even if it does suck every cent out of your pocket...
Looking for a job? that must mean not working at the flower shop any longer....
Well, good to chat, glad you r back in bloggy world.
I promise I'm not a stalker... Just saw that you had posted on my list...
Good luck with job hunting...